FET protocol

Here is my protocol for this cycle and probably my last. (I still don’t like that)

The meds:

  • Estrace 2mg twice a day vaginally 
  • Sildenafil 25mg four times a day vaginally
  • Tamoxifen 20mg daily orally – day 3 to 7 only 
  • Estradot patches 200mcg change patches every 3 days 
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin D & omega 3 daily
  • Vitamin E 800 IU daily

The other stuff:

  • Accupuncture twice a week
  • Drinking red raspberry leaf tea as much as I can. 
  • Cut back on caffeine 
  • Eat well
  • Exercise well 
  • Avoid stress (the hardest right now with work being crazy. But hey maybe if I write it down here it will come true right?)

Generally the same as the last cycle with the exception of doubling my estrace patches and adding tamoxifen. 

The goal lining is 0.65 this time (up from last times 0.6). My personal goal is to get to 0.7. 

Here’s hoping. Lining check on Aug 27. 

Back in the race…

It is CD 3. 

We are back at it. 

I had my pre- FET prep appointment with the new DR. Go a couple of weeks ago. She was dissapointed that the last cycle didn’t work but it is a 60% chance of success on a good day. So it could just be dumb luck. It could also be my body is just not built for this. So there’s that. 

She said we can start again anytime we wanted. No reason to wait. She also said she would add tamoxifen to the next cycle as it has been shown to help boost lining for some. It can’t hurt at this point. So we are giving it a go. 

The other option she offered was to do an ERA test for this cycle instead is the actual transfer. So that would mean a full mock cycle with all the drugs and side effects etc. And then we would wait another 6 weeks for the results which would show us if my lining is receptive after 5 days of prometrium (which most of the women are).  It would not guarantee an implantation. Nor will it be able to tell me much about how habitable the environment is in my uterus for a growing foetus. Which are my key issues. DH and I discussed this option and we don’t feel it is worth all the effort and expense. 

The dr did say that ERA tests are not normally indicated for my type of patient. But it’s the only thing left. So she would allow me to try if I wanted. I did appreciate that. It is also an out of pocket cost of about $1,000.

 I just don’t feel that the ERA test will be the difference between a successful cycle and an unsuccessful one for me. If I have a strong enough embryo it should implant. My issue is thickness of lining. Not the receptivity. I know that could also be a factor. But those chances are so low at this point. It isn’t logical but it’s just my gut feeling that this test is not what I need right now. 

So we decided if this is our last hurrah. We will trust that the tamoxifen is all we need. And just go for it. If it works great. If not. We are moving on. 

I tried to see if DH would want to try one more time with another donor. But he’s not convinced. I’m also starting to be open to starting the adoption route this year. But only if he agrees to be responsible for all the red tape. I know it sounds selfish. But I’m honestly too busy with work to add on the huge responsibility of home studies and getting the perfect reference letters etc. DH has the next few months off. So he has the time and is more interested in pursuing this. So let’s see. 

For now we are getting into the groove of this cycle. I’m less stressed about the outcome this time for some reason. At least right now. I feel strangely calm. And also more hopeful. Lying at acupuncture yesterday I felt a wave of ‘This is going to work. The lining will be over 0.7 and this one will stick.’

There’s also times when I realize that we will be getting the results of this cycle by the time my sister is ready to deliver baby #2. So that has the potential of being an emotional nightmare. But it is what it is. Can’t dwell on something out of my control at this point. 

The timing is right for us. DH is done with med school. Wrote his last exam yesterday. His results won’t be available for another 6 weeks. Then we will know if he passed,and can make this a career or if he needs to reevaluate his life plan. NBD

And for those keeping track, in about 6 weeks we may also be pregnant.

How’s that for life changing?